Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Love of life.

The powerful transformation 
of something more relevant...more ALIVE.

Reaching out to grasp the 
with the thrilling expectation

The revelation of the simple truth that giving to others 
is more 
valuable than the 

The spontaneous, thrilling, magnification of compassion, empathy, and perfect love.

All of the aforementioned are the attributes, goals, and desires of our great and fearless spaze cowboys...uh...I mean...cowboy and cowgirl...Gary and Rosie, who have just crashed landed on the nasty, undesirable planet of Pluberus...


Ancient Spaze Poem 
That Describes Pluberus

Pluberus is nasty,
Pluberus is icky,
Everything you touch there,
Is slimy, wet and sticky.

Everyone on Pluberus,
Is ugly, mean and cruel,
Their noses drip with snot,
And their lips all drip with drool.

The odor there on Pluberus,
Can make a piggy gag,
And loving kindness can't be found,
They just nag and nag and nag.

If you are a stranger,
 on Pluberus, you're sunk,
They'll hunt you down, immediately,
Just like a dirty skunk. 

So if you ever land on Pluberus,
Go ahead and have a cry,
'Cause if they get a hold of you,
You can kiss your arse goodbye!

Gary - "Out of all the trillions of miserable planets in the universe, 
and all the gin joints on all the asteroids that float in the darkest regions of spaze, we had to crash land on PLUBERUS!"

Rosie - "Well, let's look on the bright side, shall we? Okay, there is no bright side, but we've ALWAYS escaped impossible situations before, haven't we?"

Gary - "Yes, Rosie, but this time is different!"


What does Gary mean? 

Is this the end of our faithful warriors who fight for the downtrodden and disenfranchised?

What can possibly be on Pluberus that could defeat our dysfunctional duo?

Find the answers to these questions...and next week's OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY!!!


  1. Lol! OMG, what if they die? We would have to say goodbye. Then I will cry. No no, this can not be! I'm so scared I've got to pee. Lol pluberus is a very scary place. Oh my oh my I think I'll eat come cake. I hope next Wenesday all is well or I will probably feel like he!! Good one friend

    1. Alright, girl!!! You are a GREAT poetess and soooo funny!!! I cannot thank you enough for your friendship and support! Thoughts and prayers always for you!!!!

  2. No, not Pluberus!
    Love the poem haha

    1. Thanks, Kiel! What a grand compliment, coming from my iconic, poet friend!! To survive on Pluberus, they will need a lot of hubris!

  3. They'll conquer, just as their cousin in the 40s did at the Saturday movie serial. Battyman and temple of gloom. Fun poem mate

    1. OMG!! Who but you would re-remember Battyman and the Temple Of Gloom, a classic amongst classics, where it seemed impossiroo that Battyman and Fertilla would escape the clutches of the sinister Count Morgonster, but escaped by the skin of their teeth!! If only that could happen with Gary and Rosie...or could this be their finale???!!
