Monday, January 7, 2019


Better Than The Cardinals!

In 2018, the average attendance at a Cardinals baseball game was 42, 019, therefore, I have more views on my blog (over it's lifetime) than the average attendance of one Cardinals baseball game! 

Wow! How mind blowing is that?!!

Of course, that does not mean 47,000 individual folks have viewed my blog. It could only be 100 people that viewed it 470 times each, or 47 readers who viewed it 1000 times, or even 1000 faithful fans that viewed it 47 times. 

No matter to me. The fact that ANYBODY would be foolish, I mean, perceptive enough to enjoy my thought provoking, lighthearted blog is a blessing beyond belief! 

Here is another fun fact, friends. Did you know the average daily attendance at Disneyland is 44, 000 men, women and chitlins? 

Just ponder the improbable impossibility of my blog doing better than that! 
(Disclaimer...I am comparing a daily number with a lifetime number, which is totally unfair, but who reads disclaimers, anyway?)

So often I sit here in front of my computer, contemplating my contradictory contemplative cranium creations, and wonder why 47 million people would LOVE my blog so much...uh...I mean 47,000 people...umm...Okay, a number of people would enjoy my "contradictory contemplative cranium creations" in such a "groupie" sort of way, and I can only think..."computer glitch."

That is the ONLY logical answer. Even I wouldn't read this blog, unless my mind was altered by an electronical Alien probe drilled into my brain by the feared Glirkazoids! 

Gary the Glirkazoid

I know what you're thinking. "My brain has not been probed by the feared Glirkazoids and I read your blog!" 

Well, that must mean you have DEEPER problems! By the way, you wouldn't know if you've been probed, anyway. Glirkazoids are very tiny and very quiet, vewy, vewy quiet. 

Back to the amazing news of my blog catapulting to 47 billion views...give or take. 

If you feel like celebrating this milestone in my blogging career, go on ahead, and I'll catch up later. I need a nap right now, as I dream about the day I reach 48, 000 views!!! 


  1. Honey, The last picture looks like you snoring! LOL

    1. Ha ha ha! I LOVE YOU, babe! Thanks for being so funny!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kiel! I'd like to thank my mom and dad, my wife, my dog, Chevy...
