Friday, January 4, 2019

Nobody Feels Exactly Like You Do

Have you ever mentioned to someone how much you enjoy White Castle hamburgers, and they almost gag as they tell you how much they DESPISE those greasy belly bombers. 

I was shocked the first time someone reacted that way to my FAVORITE hamburger! 

I was 5. 

I double dog dare ya to disrespect White Castle, pard!

We have close friends who share most of our interests, but not ALL of our interests. 

I used to love the salmon patties my mom would make, and assumed the rest of my 5 brothers and sisters loved them as well. 

Wrongo! I recently learned one of my sisters was not fond of them at all. 

What's my point?

My point is...uh..let's point is...I forgot my I remember!

Nobody feels exactly like you do, so don't expect everybody to agree with you on social media, or in real life. 

One of my favorite pieces of advice I've ever heard was, "Don't expect things from people, and you'll never be disappointed." 

Not that I've always applied this advice, but I try more and more in my super advanced years.

This dude NEVER expected ANYTHING from ANYBODY! Umm, yeah, I know he's not a real person, but if he did exist....nevermind.

Can you imagine how miserable it would be if everyone was a New York Mets fan? 


What fun would that be? 

What if everyone just listened to Beethoven. No Mozart, Garth Brooks, Louie Armstrong...just total Ludwig. 

I actually enjoy receiving negative comments on my YouTube videos, because they help me to improve, and I love having fun with the negative Nellies and Neds. 

For instance, if they say, "Your music ain't worth crap," then I'll say, "thank you very much for your comment, that's a big step up from what the last guy said!"

Believe it or not, I'm usually able to form a decent dialogue with the person, who really wants attention and some kind words. 

I always wonder what their life is like to be angry with a total stranger. I believe they must have been abused somewhere in their lives to criticize a sweet guy like me, who writes non-crappy music most of the time. 

Sometimes it is pretty crappy, I admit.

Let me leave you with what my mom used to tell us.

"Don't look down on anyone, even that hobo that comes to our door asking for a handout. How do we know he's not an angel sent from heaven to test our love." 

So, maybe the next person who bad mouths you on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, at Kroger, wherever, is an angel testing our love and compassion for others...


  1. What ! U got U-tube channels ???

    1. Indubitably!
