Thursday, January 3, 2019

I'm So Glad To Talk with You Today!

As the new year begins, I deeply believe that in 2019 Anno Domini, we need more communication and less stagnation. Less staring at our screens, more searching for our dreams. More talking it out, without a scream or a shout. 

"Easier said than done," you proclaim so skeptically. 

Well, it's like the articulate John F. Kennedy once said...
He got us to the moon by inspiring NASA with these words...or he inspired them to fake the moon landing, very convincingly, to fool the Russians.

Yes! It's HARD to put down that smart phone, but I did it! (Well, I never REALLY had a smart phone, but I'm sure I would put it down if someone ever gave me one.)

Start at 3:14 to get to the good part. 

As you may have noticed from my blog, I am communicating a LOT more, if your definition of communicating is writing stuff that most folks ignore. (Except for you precious, devoted, faithful readers.) 

We all have dreams we need to pursue, relentlessly, to keep the fires of passion burning in our pea pickin' hearts!

My dreams include being in a major motion picture (starring role is optional), having one of my "classic" songs become an American Standard (not a toilet), being a writer for a comedy show (a family oriented show), being a comedian on a comedy show, and, well, at my age, just about anything I accomplish is a dream come true. 

     Sample of one of my "classic" original songs.

Talking things out is a lost art. So often, our discussions escalate into screaming matches that go nowhere man!

Why not do as I do. When a discussion begins to become heated, speak in a very low, calm, soothing voice and say, "If you don't shut your trap right now, I'm cutting you out of my will."

After about 30 minutes, they will stop laughing, unless you ACTUALLY have money to leave them, which will even be more effective at helping them pipe down, real quick like. 

So, let's review.

1. Don't act like a clone and put down the phone.

2. Communication is great, don't stagnate.

3. Follow your dreams, stop with the screams. 

In conclusion...