Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Story Of The Donkeys And Elephants ... a poem by me.

I think it's quite strange that our rich politicians,
Can't decide on one thing, under any conditions!

The donkeys and elephants can't get along,
They say that each other are totally wrong!

The elephants call for a "big border wall,"
While the donkeys all say "there is no need at all!"

The donkeys support legal marriage for gays,
While the elephants long for the grand, good old days.

The voting in congress is straight party line,
And "crossing the aisle" makes you lower than slime! 

The elephants love their guy Trump with a fever,
"He's Lumpy," Dems say, "from Leave It To Beaver!"

The donkeys blame Trump for Russian collusion,
The elephants tell us, "it's just an illusion."

Trump's stacking the courts with bad men, donkeys say,
While the elephants trumpet, hip, hip, hooray! 

Jumbos wear MAGA hats as they cheer Trump on stage, 
But the sight of those hats fills the donkeys with rage! 

Donkeys are stubborn and elephants slow,
Will their bickering cease, well heck, I don't know,
Will peace ever happen or the going get tougher?
Congress votes their own pay raise,
 and the rest of us suffer!!!