Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Very Late Blog Due To Icy Conditions

 I'm running a bit late with my blog today, but that's okay, because I'm not on any time schedule that I know of.  (I know it's not formal to end a sentence with "of," but no one ever accused me of being formal)

The ice is so bad and so slippery today, as ice tends to be, and I've been out battling the frozen water for an inordinate portion of the day. 

I'm not one to make excuses, although I definitely WILL make excuses when absolutely necessary, like when I'm considerably late for my world renown blog. 

On the other hand, a lot of my blog readers (maybe you) would not think this is late at all! It's about 7:22 PM and I'm thinking about going to bed already, and you may think that is CRAZY!

I know that many of you stay up way past 9:00 PM, you night owls, but I am kinda old and prefer an earlier bedtime.

Okay! Who said, "KINDA old" in a sarcastic way? For your information, someone recently told me that I don't look 68, going on 69.

That made me feel great until I thought about what they could have meant. They might have been saying, "you don't look 68, going on 69, you look 78 going on 79!"

Of course, my low self esteem will sometimes make me think negative thoughts about myself, until my delusions of grandeur and superiority kick in. 

I thought we were discussing ice. 

Did you ever need to go to the store to get salt to put on your driveway and sidewalks and said, "I need to get some ICE." Come on! I know you've done it!

So, our driveway is sloped, and I'm out there trying to keep my balance, without sliding down into the swift moving traffic on our street, where the cars would not be able to stop because of the slick ice!

Not that many years ago, I did not mind falling down, too much, except for the embarrassment of slipping on the ice and looking stupid, but NOW, at 68, going on 69 years old, I'm afraid of breaking a HIP! 

All my life I've heard stories of old folks who slipped on the ice, broke a hip, and then died! I never knew why breaking a hip caused death, but I'm not taking any chances! No siree bob!

Please don't tell me, in the comments section, how breaking a hip can cause death, because I'm paranoid enough, already!

Let me end with two pertinent points, if I may. 

One...It is NOT always true about "better late than never," as you can see from this blog today. 

Two...Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


  1. think Ill keep my pants on, as soon as you stop who is gonna scrape you loose from where your now stuck ! "I aint lickin no frozen flag pole" !

    1. You won't slide as easily with pants on, Paul! I'm still stuck and that's not true about your tongue sticking to the flag pole, go ahead and do it! I double dog dare ya!
