Thursday, February 21, 2019

I'm Not Trying To Offend Anyone, But..

My blog will be short today. Not that I'm trying to offend short folks. If I were, I'd use midget, shrimp, or maybe pipsqueak, but that would not be kosher, which isn't intended to put down Jewish folks, because I enjoy kosher pickles!

I thought we should have a pow wow about offending our fellow man...whoops, I guess pow wow is not the correct word to use in the face of Indian sensitivities, or even the name Indian, or even fellow MAN! Fellow BEING is probably more better, except more better is most likely offensive to grammer grammar obsessed individuals.

Chihuahua, what's a mother to do...holy mackerel...the Mexican  people will be offended at a white dude saying Chihuahua...and Amos and Andy deniers will be on me like a child on a Twinkie, if they ever find out I used holy mackerel dare Andy!

I'm goofing this up so much I feel like a bum...I mean...tramp...I mean hobo...homeless? That don't seem to fit the narrative. Oh, I don't know. pardner.

Did I just offend a cowboy? It's so difficult to tell, anymore. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, Jason! Thanks for commenting on my blog page! I REALLY appreciate your support, man!!
