Monday, March 18, 2019

A Brief Look At My Life In A Poem

I was born post World War 2,
"They" thought I'd be a girl,
Because 3 sisters came before,
I'm glad my name's not Pearl. 

They named me Danny Bruce,
My mom said I was cute,
It really does not matter much,
I go by, "I am Groot."

If you've never watched the movie,
Guardians Of The Galaxy,
Then you may not understand about,
Old "Groot" the living tree.

It really doesn't matter much,
My blog is like "fake news,"
You can't believe one word of it,
Believe in what you choose.

I played a little football,
It was smaller than a thimble,
I could not throw it very far,
It made the tight end tremble!

How can you catch a pigskin,
That is far too small to see,
Practice doesn't help at all,
Glasses are the key. 

One day I joined the Army,
I really don't know why,
I thought I'd go to Vietnam,
But wound up in "Supply."

I handed out clean laundry,
The supply room got real hot,
I never did complain at all,
At least I wasn't shot!

I really care for animules,
That's not the way to spell it,
But it adds some humor to my blog,
Ain't that the way to sell it?

Ya can't go wrong with photos,
Of kittens, pups and otters,
Watching what's adorable,
Trumps watching weather spotters!

The weather channel might appeal,
To folks who fear the rain,
But isobars and "Bomb Cyclones,"
Just cloud up my brain! 

I hope your day is wonderful,
For sadness is a crime,
Thanks for popping in today,
And wasting precious time! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jason!! Your comments really mean a lot to me!!v

  2. Replies
    1. Ha ha! Far beneath your awesome, thought provoking rhymes, but I gave it a shot! Thanks, Kiel!!
