Thursday, March 14, 2019

It's such a beautiful day, I had to start with this "It's A Beautiful Day" Album!

The album is only 41 minutes long, so I can wait until you're done listening to it.

I'll listen to this intermission song (above) while you listen to "White Bird" on the "It's A Beautiful Day" album, because I've heard "White Bird" a million times. 

You know, you guys are REALLY missing a lot if you're not clicking on these clips that I diligently search for, to benefit your health and well being. 

Who out there will testify that you ignore, or click on my diligently searched clips? 

The survival of our species depends on your answer, so who has the guts to spill 

I can wait, while I listen to the "Syncopated Clock" again...

I seem to have drawn myself off subject again, but I just wanted to tell you what a gorgeous day it is, or was, except for the wind!

The good thing is that it was so windy, the Greg and Dan radio show played the song I wrote for them to play on super windy days. I think that's cool!!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kiel! I'm always excited when Greg and Dan play my stuff. You, me, and Greg and Dan all have the same, bizarre sense of humor! Ain't it fun?!!!
