Friday, March 29, 2019

We've Hit A Milestone! 50, 000 Views!

Let the celebrations begin! The horns ring out! The bells trumpet! The angels sing with joy! 

We have FINALLY reached our goal of 5o,ooo lifetime views on this old blog we like to call Bloggadocious 222!!!

I'd like to review all the names of the faithful readers of "Bloggadocious 222, " but I'm afeared I might forget someone, and all Hades would break loose! 

Let's just say, in all seriousness, that your consistent, loyal devotion to my unorthodox blog is totally confusing to me!

I know (or have known) a lot of you personally, like Terri, Madeleine, Jason, Paul, my sister, my wife, Bec, Michael (some through YouTube and Facebook), Jeanie, Joshua, Kiel, Jessica, Chris (pause to take a breath), and you are ALL down to earth,  reasonable folks. 

So I don't get how you can keep coming 
back to read a blog that is so very, uh, shall we say, bizarre? Strange? Cuckoo? 

Don't get me wrong! I'm loving every minute of your undying support, but you folks have jobs! You have families! Bank accounts! REAL friends! Netflix! 

What I'm saying is you have important, legitimate activities to fill your day, so why fry your noggins by reading this drivel? (drivel means nonsense in England, or I guess anywhere else)

Well, let me answer my own question, as I am often wont accustomed to do. 

The reason that normal, reasonable, down to earth people check into my blog is to take a break from reality for a few minutes, laugh at the cares of the day, relieve the stresses of child rearing, feed their masochistic nature, see what is in the mind of a bipolar bard, and last but not least...I forgot what was last...but that don't matter.

All I know is I'm up to 50,000 views on my "Bloggadocious 222" blog, and I'm happier than a hound dog huntin' rabbits, a bear in a trough full of honey, a chicken with his head cut off, no, scratch that, a fly on cow manure, a nuclear physicist at a quark convention...anyway, you get the point...I'm VERY HAPPY!!!

Thanks a million toms!!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jason! I never thought I'd get close to that many views! I appreciate all of your support!

  2. Bizarre, strange, and cuckoo are what keeps me coming back! haha Congratulations, Danny!

    1. Fantastic, Kiel! You've encouraged me to go onward and yonward!!! Like Nature Cat!!Thanks!!!
