Monday, April 1, 2019

My Chance Meeting With Ray Liotta

I had  heard that Ray Liotta's wife had relatives in Pekin, Il., the town where I live. 

I was never sure about those rumors until yesterday.

Yesterday, after church, I was taking Chevy (my dog) for a walk in Mineral Springs park.

Picture of Mineral Springs Park and the bench where he was sitting.

We saw a guy in a leather jacket sitting on one of the park benches, feeding bread to the geese. 

Mineral Springs park has a small lake (they call it a lagoon) with a sidewalk all around it, where the park benches are, so when you walk in a circle around the lake, you walk right by the benches.

From a distance the man looked kind of familiar, but I thought maybe it was a local businessman. 

As we got closer, I saw the guy who was wearing that leather jacket was RAY LIOTTA! For REAL!!

I was not sure if I should approach him or not, but when we walked by, Chevy went over to him to get petted, and Mr. Liotta reached out and petted Chevy and said how much he loved dogs.

I sheepishly asked him if he was Ray Liotta and he said, "last time I looked."

I told him that we didn't want to bother him, and he said, "why don't you sit here for a while and talk."

Of course, I told him I was a big fan, and asked him why he was in Pekin, but he asked me not to share what we talked about with anyone, although he said I could mention to folks he had come to Pekin, since he would be gone by in a couple of hours. 

So, in my life I've met Ted Nugent, Ray Liotta and had Tony Dow walk right by me on Catalina Island!

Small world, indeed!

April Fool!