Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Making You Happy Is My Ultimate Goal

Oft times I sway away from my dedicated goal of making my lovely blog readers happy, whilst putting them in a state of confused delirium by way of bizarre ideas and nonsense.

I apologize when I begin to complain about stuff that bothers me, leaving you guys a bit sad and verklempt. 

It's like my old grandpa Estey (named after an Estey piano) used to say to me, "Rocky (he always called me Rocky for some strange reason...and this was LONG before the Rocky movies), if ya can't laugh a little each day, ya ain't really livin', and Rocky, the more ya cry, the less you'll pee, boy...and never look a gift horse in the mouth, 'cause horses have very bad breath...and laugh and the whole wide worm laughs at ya, because ya can't always get whatcha want, even if you're a rollin' stone!"

Yes, grandpa Estey was crazy, but I learned a lot from him! Who said, "I know?"

It's like when I mowed my lawn yesterday, for the first time this year. I was actually happy and singing songs to myself as I toiled  along! Songs like...



Along with singing songs to myself, I'll meditate on the deeper things of life, as merrily I mow along.

Things like, why do they call a shoe, a shoe? Do birds go wee wee? Could Chuck Norris have defeated Godzilla? Why don't they have a White Castle hamburger joint in Peoria?!!!

These are perplexing, frustrating questions that...wait a I go again complaining about stuff, instead of concentrating on your happiness and inner peace. 

Why should you care that we don't have a White Castle in Peoria, or nowhere near Peoria. You probably have one across the street! Maybe you don't even like White Castle hamburgers, and wish they didn't exist!! Right?!!

Whoops. I did it again. Just let me catch my breath and we will conclude with something that should make us all deliriously happy and tranquil.

Don't ignore the above video if you want to reach pure Nirvana!

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