Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Beautiful Day Folks! MINGLE!!!

It's a nice, mild day in the Peoria, Illinois area. Gonna be about 74 degrees, with light, variable winds. I love variable winds, don't you? They're not constantly attacking you, but softly blowing at about 5 miles per, then maybe a brief blast of 10 miles per, then back to 5 mph, then 7, 5.5, up to 9, down to 2 mph, and you get the point.

My challenge for you today is to go outside, if it's nice weather in your particular area, and engage everyone you meet in conversation.

I'm not talking about a simple, Hi, but more like "Hi, my name is So-N-So. This weather is really super duper, ain't it? Do you believe in aliens? No, not undocumented immigrants, but REAL SPACE ALIENS! 

What an ice breaker that would be! 

Admit it! Many times you'll walk past someone and not even acknowledge their existence. What's up with that? They need your undivided attention to feel like they, uh, EXIST!

Here's what totally blows my mind! A stick of dynamite! (Just a little explosive humor for ya) Seriously, what blows my mind is when I'm walking my dog, Chevy (the cutest dog ever), some folks won't even stop and pet him! In fact, they act like he's invisible! 

When that happens, I'll say this to Chevy, in a VERY loud voice, "It's okay, Chevy, that BAD lady/man doesn't wike adorable wittle doggies." 

I'm just funnin' wit ya! I only THINK about saying that. The whole point of today's blog is to make friends, not enemas.  

Let's imagine you see a really grumpy looking person walking toward you today. What do you want to say to this individual?

1. Hey! You look grumpy! Got your undies twisted?

2. Hey! You look like my dead grandpa/grandma! He/she was a sourpuss like you! 

3. Hey! You look so HAPPY! Did you just rescue a Collie from the dog shelter?  (they call this reverse sigh-Collie-gee)

4. Trip the grumpy person. At least you'll get a laugh!
Disclaimer: Any mention of violent actions, and or physical abuse is not intended to promote such activities, but only to elicit comical thoughts in the minds of you harmless little readers. 

Harmless little readers of Bloggadocious 222

Okay, now's the time to drop what you're doing, hit the streets and MINGLE! Mingle 'till ya can't mingle no mo! Take my worm for it, you'll feel better, knowing you may have saved somebodies life by making them feel loved, cared about and warm and fuzzy. 

I, personally, ain't gonna do it, 'cause I'm WAY too shy, but you guys should go for it!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kiel! You are one of a handful that can decipher my weird stuff. Ha ha!
