Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Believe It Or Not, It Makes No Difference To Me

Hi!  All of you faithful readers out there know how much I love anything about U.F.O's, space aliens, Bigfoot sightings, Loch Ness Monster stories, tales of Leprechauns, unicorns, fairies, any and all things strange, weird and unusual. 

However, I don't necessarily BELIEVE these accounts of U.F.Os, space aliens, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, unicorns, fairies and such.

I just wish that one time someone would take a clear video of a U.F.O. landing, a space alien climbing out of it, and the other worldly being saying something profound to the world. 

They are always grainy pictures, the spacecraft is far away from the videographer, the camera is moving all around, and you NEVER see an E.T. staring out of the window. 

Along the same lines, I don't want to see a far away video of some dude in a Bigfoot suit who's walking real fast. I want an interview with Bigfoot! 

Reporter: "So, you're the elusive Bigfoot, right?"

Bigfoot: "Last time I looked."

Reporter: "How do I know you're not just some big guy in a Bigfoot costume?"

Bigfoot: "I can prove it." At that, he eats the reporter!

Now, that's the kind of thing that would convince me!

Look at this supposed photo of the Loch Ness Monster...

Really? This could be ANYTHING! I've seen millions of tree branches floating down the river that looked exactly like this. I would like to see some eyes, teeth, flippers, a long tongue? 

I believe this photo was made before photoshop, so maybe it's really Nessie, but I need more evidence, like seeing her, or him, at Sea World! (Does Sea World still exist? I'm not sure.)

What bugs me the most are the paranormal shows! Paa-lease! What an easy way to make a buck! 

They go into an old house, abandoned insane asylum, or the Angkor Wat temple, with fake, ghost detecting equipment, and act like they're hearing and seeing entities from the spirit world. 

Of course, their sound guy is making the sounds and everything you see is just a quick flash, or a computer animated image, but it goes something like this...

Bob: "Here we are at the Angkor Wat temple, in Cambodia, at midnight, in pitch darkness, and (creepy, indecipherable growling sound from unseen sound guy), what was that?! It sounded like a demon spirit was saying, GET OUT OF HERE OR I'LL EAT YOU!!

How easy is THAT? Even I could do that!! 

Sometimes a girl named Tiffany, or something like that, will scream, and exclaim, "I just witnessed a ghostly form floating down the hallway! Oh, my!"

Come on, are you gonna believe Tiffany? She lies about everything! 

"Well, you say, "Tiffany had video evidence!" 

First, videos can be doctored to show us whatever THEY want us to see, but even more important is this question...how can physical, recording and video equipment, capture spiritual images? I don't get it.

Ghost hunting equipment.

Maybe I'm just dumb, or too skeptical, or living in Realville, like Rush Limbaugh, oh, I don't know, but...hey, I'm like Doubting Thomas! Remember him? 

He said, he needed to physically see the nail holes in Jesus' hands and feet, and the sword wound in his side...only then would he believe! 

Bring me a U.F.O. and put it on my doorstep, let me examine Bigfoot personally, or swim with the Loch Ness Monster, and MAYBE I'll believe then.

No matter, I still love watching all of the bizarre, ridiculous, Syfy, Leprechaun hunting T.V. shows and eating pork rinds, to escape from the daily stresses of being retired!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Paul! I hope I didn't shatter any of your core beliefs! Lol!
