Friday, April 19, 2019

Quit Is Not In My Vocabulary!

Yesterday I put links to 42 of my songs, and received not one comment on any of them.

Kinda sad isn't it. Isn't it? Are you there?

Do I feel rejected, do I feel disappointed, untalented, lower than a snake's belly, abandoned by my friends, disjointed, mentally stressed out, dejected, unloved, unwanted?

Sure I do! How would YOU feel if no one paid attention to your life's work of songwriting, and performing the songs you wrote? 

However, I'm not gonna be down for long, because, well, listen to this song that will explain my feelings...

I didn't write this, folks.

I keep on keepin' on with my "impossible dream," no matter how much the vast majority of people think my music sucks wind!

Just look at Barry Manilow. He was doing music for Mcdonald's commercials and Dr. Pepper ads, and NOBODY ever dreamed he would become an internationally famous superstar, but he persevered, never gave up, struggled tirelessly and became a beloved icon in the world of entertainment!

When I'm low, I think of Barry, and also Frank Sinatra, when he sang this memorable song...

Okay, no one had any faith in the little ant and the ram, but they had "HIGH HOPES!" 

I have "high hopes" as well, and even if every body hates my original songs, my wacky blog, and my ugly face, I'm gonna continue, even if it's only to irritate my detractors! Ha! (Look at all of detractors in the field)

I'm not whining or complaining. Even if it seems like I certainly am. The reason I'm not whining or complaining is because I'm an adult, I realize that not everybody likes the same music as me, in addition, most folks have poor taste in music and don't even appreciate the great Barry Manilow, and, well, to be honest, a lot of individuals are just plain jealous of me. I can understand that. 

I feel better now! I will never surrender! Maybe because I'm a warrior at heart, or maybe I'm just too dense to realize it's time to quit. 


  1. Thanks for the inspiration, Danny. By the way, you know how much I dig your songwriting!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Kiel! I know what a tremendous support you've been, my friend! I wrote this, a bit, tongue-in cheek, because I myself rarely click on links to additional things that someone puts on their posts. I never feel like I have the time, because there's so much to watch. However, I ALWAYS have time for your unique, entertaining, masterpieces!
