Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mosquitoes, My Pillow, Chevy Dog

I guess most of you were watching Game Of Thrones instead of American Idol on Sunday, because I didn't receive any comments on the American Idol winner, or losers yesterday, except for my wonderful wife who loves me to pieces! Thank God!!

Since that's all past history, we need to dwell on more important issues that infiltrate our cerebral cortices on a daily basis, making us mad (in a British, crazy way), mad, MAD!!!

Why do mosquitoes only bite me?!!

All my entire, stinkin' life, whilst everyone else is enjoying the picnic, I have been plagued with thousands of mosquitoes viciously biting me to the point of madness!! (In a British sort of way)

Of course, I always forget the mosquito repellent, which makes me MAD! (In an American way)

I wish I could, either, find out why I get eaten by mosquitoes, or that everybody would get eaten by mosquitoes, so I wouldn't feel like such an oddball! 

Is there no way to get the My Pillow guy off of our TVs! Come on! Enough is enough! We already know the ads by heart, and if we ain't bought a pillow by now, we NEVER will! 

Which reminds me of a joke my dad used to tell..."Last night I dreamed I was eating marshmallows, when I woke up my pillow was gone!"

At 4 years old, I thought this was high comedy! You see, we didn't have videos, a thousand TV shows, and the internet back in 1954. 

Dave Ramsey bugs me to no end! You know, the money guy? He has made billions of pazoozas by using the age old advice our ancestors taught us. "Save your money, don't spend it on things you don't need!" That's basically it. 

I had relatives, many moons ago, who did exactly what Dave Ramsey teaches today. They saved money to the point of NEVER going out to eat, or to the movies, or helping a family member in need, or...basically, they were no fun!

On the other hand, the family I grew up in, did fun stuff, spent our last dime on going to the movies, or swimming, or helping our neighbors....and although we never had much in savings, we had wonderful experiences and joy saved up in our hearts! 

I think I got a bit too "preachy" back there, so don't pay any attention to me, like always. Tee hee! 

I could go on and on about Ramsey, repetitive commercials, folks that don't pet my dog when we walk past them...

What's up wit dat, hmm? Chevy is such a cute little Chorkie dog, so most everyone is compelled to pet him, and talk to him when we're out for a walk. 

Chevy and I both cannot understand when people just ignore him, don't even look at him, and some even tell him to GET AWAY!! 

I just think that maybe they had a bad experience with a dog, or they are just HATEFUL, CREEPY PEOPLE!!

It's hurts Chevy's feelings, because his whole purpose in life is to bring happiness to the world, and he feels like he failed in those few instances. 

No matter. We never let the negative Nellies dictate our attitude! Even when it comes to folks who don't make comments on this blog. We know you have your reasons for ignoring my witty questions, and leaving my questionnaires blank, but I don't wanna hear "em! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!