Thursday, May 9, 2019

Out Of This World Wednesday Returns? Maybe Not. 

Ever since a Glirkazoidian spazeship crash landed on the earth, at the same exact time Jesus was born, coincidentally, we lowly earthlings have benefited from the advanced wisdom and technology of the Glirkazoids! 

There would be no television, yo yo's, Snickers bars, Frisbee's, nachos, uni-cycles, computers, cowboy belt buckles, ice cream, futons, Ferris wheels, singing bass fish plaques, or almost nuttin' honey, if it weren't for the lovable little Glirkazoid alien creatures! 

If anyone can still remember, I used to do "Out Of This World Wednesdays" on this very blog, where I'd do the adventures of Gary the Glirkazoid and his companions until everyone got sick of it. 

I was giving some thought to bringing it back, but then I thought, nah, no one wants a rehashed virgin of those lame spaze adventures. (virgin?)

But then I thought, with Avengers Endgame being so popular, maybe "Out Of This World Wednesday" could become a BIG HIT this tom!! (Who's Tom?)

What do you guys think? 

Please don't say that it's a great idea unless you mean it, okay? Because, you're gonna get what you ask for, and be bored with "Out Of This World Wednesday" for the rest of your lives if you speak in the affirmative. 

Personally, I enjoy escapist syfy stuff to totally get away from earthly worries, fears, creepy folks, rude people, relentless weeds in my yard, guys across the street setting off "cherry bombs" that sound like REAL bombs (hard to escape that), politics, folks paying attention to their "smart phones" instead of me...and you get my point...right? Right!

However, on the other hand, YOU possibly can't stand syfy junk, and NEVER, EVER want me to do "Out Of This World Wednesday" EVER again!! 

You hated it back then, and you'll hate it now, if I put it back on my blog!!!!!! 

I get that. So please let me know, in your most honest words, if you want me to resurrect this classic piece of.........syfy.......gone sideways. 


  1. I loved the Out Of This World Wednesday series. However, I'm probably biased considering I was mentioned in the series haha

    1. Thanks, Kiel! You are a great man!! We will take your comment, run it up the flagpole, and see if anyone salutes!! I know I will!!
