Thursday, May 2, 2019

Please Don't "Like" My Blog, Friends!

It's kinda sad that for so many moons I thought I was bringing joy and laughter to the masses, when all along, most folks have just been clicking "like" on my blog without even reading it. (Analytics prove it)

If you've been clicking "like" on my blog without reading it, please stop! I don't give a rat's patoot about "likes," I want a dialogue with my faithful readers, not a stinkin', patronizing "like!"

Of course, since 99% of you are not reading my blog, how are you gonna know I don't simply want "likes?" I want a free wheeling back and forth of ideas, thoughts, criticisms, suggestions, or maybe just a 
"Hi" from you guys once in a while. 

C'mon, how can you honestly put a "like" on something you haven't read? 

Donna says, "Stop browbeating people about making comments, they will get mad at you."

I reply with, "How can they get mad at me when they're not reading my constant pleas for comments!" 

Ha! And everybody says I'm so dumb!

Now, for all of you lovely people who actually do make comments regularly, I'm eternally grateful! It shows me you're REALLY reading my worms when you comment on what I wrote about. 

The brilliance of my whining about wanting comments is that if you actually ARE reading this, I'll stop getting "likes!" That would be awesome! On the other hand, if you really are NOT reading my blog, I'll still get a bunch of "likes," even though I've been nagging you guys! 

I know. It didn't make any since to me either. 

"If doing this blog makes you so frustrated, Danny, why don't you quit?"

Ha ha! Quit? I know not the meaning of quit! Bloggadocious 222 is not simply a blog, but my way of lice! My main mission! A lifeline to my couple of actual readers! 

Cartoon lice.

Sidebar: Do car vending machines REALLY exist?

Maybe I need to be more controversial, but if the vast majority of folks aren't reading the controversial stuff, what's the use?

See why I'm goin' bonkers? 

Anyway, have a great day, my two faithful readers! 



  2. I ALWAYS read your blog, Danny! :)

  3. I know, my friend! I ACTUALLY think you have a mind capable of UNDERSTANDING my gibberish...even when I don't!! You are a great, great friend, Kiel!
