Friday, May 3, 2019

Vicious Chaperone Dog For Rent

Do you have a teenager with raging hormones, that cannot keep his/her hands off the opposite sex?!

Are you tired of paying BIG PRICES for birth control?!

If so, you've come to the right place!

Our vicious, super chaperone, Chorkie (Chihuahua-Yorkie mix) is guaranteed to prevent any romantic physical contact! Your money back, if ANYONE is able to "make it," in spite of his razor sharp teeth and claws!

Yessiree! Our Chorkie, Chevy, is worse than a trained Ninja, when it comes to attacking male and female human  beings who even TOUCH each other! 

Is your teenage daughter having a male "friend" over to do "homework" in her bedroom? 

No worries! If you rent Chevy for a minimal cost, you can place him in the room where the "homework" is supposed to happen, and he will prevent kissing, hand holding, caressing, touching and absolutely NO physical contact will happen...whatsoever!! 

We did not train him for this. He's just a natural chaperone! Some dogs are natural herders, others are natural retrievers, natural pointers and hunters, but not Chevy! Our Chorkie is a natural chaperone for some strange reason! 

Do you have so many kids you can't handle any more, and birth control costs are breaking you?! You need to rent Chevy The Chaperone!!

Simply rent him for the times you're feeling frisky, and he will totally shut down ANY attempts at "makin' whoopie!" Believe me! I know!!! 

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any injuries that may occur from biting and clawing, as well as any deafness caused by shrill barking. If any body parts are dismembered by Chevy, we cannot help that. We recommend you place it in a wet towel and rush it, and bite victim, to the emergency room as soon as possible. In addition, Chevy will need to be given lots of treats as part of the rental fee, if none are available, he may raid the fridge, and we are not responsible for that, either. Let's face it, you're on the hook for everything! Have a great day!