Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Surprise! Your Final Exam Of 2019!

With the school year at an end, I figgered it's about time for your FINAL exam, until I give another FINAL exam next year.

Put on your thinking caps, sharpen your pencils, remove all toys and other distractions off your desks, and "get ready to ruuuuuumblllllle!"

This exam will be responsible for 98% of your grade, so don't blow it! The other 2% comes from the comments you've made throughout the year, which means some of you should be afraid...VERY AFRAID!!

1. What is the name of this blog?_______________.

2. What is the name of this blogger's doggie?__________

By the way, you don't have to actually write in any answers, just answer in your mind. We're on the honor system here. 

3. What is this bloggers favorite bazeball team, that is really doing rotten right now, but "hope springs a turtle in the human breast." 
(A turtle?)________________

4. This brilliant blogger loves:
a. J Lo.
b. Pork rinds
c. Old cartoons
d. Syfy
e. Puppies
f. Piña coladas
g. All of the above, except Piña coladas.

5. This beloved blogger is the official songwriter for what GREAT, ICONIC radio show?_________________

6. Your favorite YouTube song written by me is...




4. None of the above, and none that are not above!

7.This blog deals with the serious issues that are troubling human beans throughout this place we like to call earth, and tackles the pressing questions that even Einstein would be stumped on! 
True or False________.

8. You ALL know the name of The Lone Ranger's hoss (Silver), but what was the name of Tonto's hoss? (Don't touch that Google button!) _________.

9. What is the super-genius Kiel Villeneuve famous for? ____________.(Here's a hint)

10. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
a. One log.
b. Two twigs.
c. Two, two by fours.
d. Woodchucks do not have hands that can pick up wood.
e. Woodchucks are way too lazy to work, so why are we even discussing this!

11. Where is the internationally famous singer/songwriter, Rebecca Tompkins from?
A. Albania
b. Austria
c. Albuquerque
d. Andromeda
e. Australia (hint below)

12. What high school did both Paul Bass and me matriculate?______________(Hint: Rhymes with Battonchill) (Although, I don't know if you can matriculate in high school. I think that's reserved for those wild college students!) 

13. Who is, most likely, the most consistent reader of my ridiculous blog?

a. George R.R. Martin
b. J.K. Rowling
c. Ernest Hemingway
d. Gary Larson
e. Jason Durham (Hint: It's Jason)

This will conclude your final exam of 2019, we trust that you will score yourself honestly. Any attempt to falsify your mental answers would be considered "bad form." 

It goes without saying, that we cherish your readership of this blog! In fact, we cherish ANY ship that would take us on a tropical vacation before we kick the proverbial bucket! 

Put your pencils down, and stop chewing on them. That's gross!