Thursday, May 30, 2019

Trapped In Another Dimension!!

Oh, my! It's already 2:29 in the afternoon and I haven't even started my daily blog posting yet!

Wha happen? I don't really know. I think I kinda fell into a bizarre time warp, and lost the whole stinkin' mornin'! 

Whatever it was, I need to get this thang started, before it's too late to meditate and relate! 

Of course I meditate before I write this blog! What? Do you think I just sit down here at my P.C. and start typing aimlessly with no thought on what I'm gonna I'm doing now? I have more R-E-S-P-E-C-T for you readers than that! 

With that in mind, why don't we's about...uh...let me meditate a few more seconds. 

I think I've got it! Let's discuss the vast amounts of RAIN we've been having here in central America! 

Now, I don't mean Central America like...

I mean like...

Let's face it, God knows we need water to survive, and we truly appreciate water, which comes from rain, like the song says...

I don't question God's ways, but boy oh boy, we sure have had a ton of rain lately. I'm not complaining, but the farmers are worried they won't get their crops in on time, and the folks with flooded homes would enjoy a little dry out time, and our dog, Chevy has been shaking like a leaf every night from the thunder boomers. 

It's okay, though, because we're tough in the Midwest! Like we always say, "we won't melt, we can run between the raindrops, good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise!"

Maybe I'm delirious from all the wetness, but I actually enjoyed carrying buckets of water from our overly wet basement yesterday. I kinda felt like Mickey Mouse in that weird cartoon about the buckets and lots of water...

So, that's all I have time for today, due to my nap, I mean, the bizarre time warp that trapped me in another dimension for a couple of hours. 


  1. Well, I did jump into the future to meet oyu but you showed up in the wrong dimension
