Monday, May 13, 2019

Wash Away Tumult! It's Happy Time!!

For centuries, I've dedicated my blog to silly things, funny events, nonsensical wordplay, and bizarre attempts at humor (humour, if you're from the "old world." 

"Why?" You ask so inquisitively! 

Because we have too much tumult goin' on today! WAY too much tumult!! 

    • tu·mult

        • confusion or disorder.
          "the whole neighborhood was in a state of fear and tumult"


It's important, even for just a few moments, to totally remove tumult, 
 and trouble from our weary minds.

Kapeesh? Or is it Capiche? I don't know, but I think you guys understand. 

It's kind of a relief to take our minds off of the "tumult" and move it way over to, let's say, The Little Rascals, for us "timers"....

For the millennial's  it could be American Idol contestants who didn't win (although that might be considered tumultuous to some) ...

Freeing our minds to imaginary places, that exist only in our childlike brains, will increase our joy to unbounded, limitless destinations of sheer 
ecstasy, that will in turn, make our day pleasant, at least until the 3 PM blahs. Of course, at that time, you  just need to go back and read my blog again, which will take you all the way to the start of Game Of Thrones, which will toss you right back into 
 and trouble, but in a FUN way! 

Okay, okay! Just KIDDING, Game Of Throne fans, don't cut my head off! 

Besides reading my blog, there are many other ingenious ways of taking your mind off the chaotic upheaval in the world. 

1. (And we do mean this is number one) Turn off the stupid news! Local news is acceptable. (These are only suggestions, since I REALLY don't know what I'm talking about) 

2. Talk to your pets. If you don't have a pet, talk to your plants. You'd be surprised how much wisdom dwells within them! (A vast amount, compared to politicians)

3. Doodle. I don't mean like your doggie does on the rug, but get a blank piece of paper and start doodling. Lust look at what these doodlers came up with...

4. Get out in the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans! I don't mean to start cooking and baking, that's way too much effort! Just rattle them until the neighbors call the police. In jail you don't have access to all those devices that show you all the tumult that brings you down! However, maybe they do now. I don't know, I haven't been in jail for a few years now. 

Another drawback to being in jail is you wouldn't be able to read my funny, anti-tumult blog! That would be devastating for you guys!

Let's end now with the perfect song to match my imperfect blog...  

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