Thursday, June 13, 2019

Greg And Dan Kept Their Promise
Just Like They ALWAYS Do!!!

If you didn't have the opportunity to hear my new song played on the Greg and Dan radio show this morning, it's all good!

I will put a link to it at the end of this delightful blog story.

Greg and Dan played my profoundly serious song at almost exactly 6:55 AM, EXACTLY as they promised!! Almost exactly, meaning 6:57 AM, but that's really close!

What always touches my heart is how they heap praise on me as their official songwriter, and say that I'm funny! NOBODY thinks I'm funny, so what a sweet blessing to have friends like that who pronounce that I'm funny to hundreds of thousands of listeners!! (Just a guesstimation on the amount of listeners, but they have a whole lot!!)

Just a brief background story on the song...

Yesterday, Greg and Dan were discussing the giant blob that scientists had discovered on the dark side of the moon. 

Well, maybe is was scientists, I'm not sure. It coulda been a satellite, or space probe, or something, but the point is, it was found!

There is a lot of speculation as to what that giant blob may be, so I started doin' some speculatin' myself! I put my speculations into song form and sent it to Greg and Dan. I was happy to learn they would be playing it on their AMAZING radio show this morning!!!! And they did, they did!!!!!!!!!

Another thing I love about my buddies, Greg and Dan, is they don't care how crappy my songs are, they still play them!! In fact, sometimes, the crappier the song, the more they play it!! Go figure.

So here is what you've been breathlessly waiting for...

Blob Inside The Moon
by Danny Maness