Friday, June 14, 2019

The Complete History Of Friday

Friday. The only man to get all his work done by Friday is Robinson Crusoe.

You young "whipper snappers" will not understand that joke.

In addition, you won't get "whipper snappers" either, but that's "hunky-dory," which you won't...nevermind.

Historically and linguistically speaking, the word Friday comes from the term "free day."

"Free day" started with the ancient Greeks, when after slaves served their masters 24/7 they were given a day at the end of the week to have a few hours of free time to themselves.

On that special "free day," or Friday, as it's known in 2019, the slaves were allowed to wash their clothes, which were no more than rags, bathe in the rivers, but NEVER in the Greek bathing tubs, scrounge food from the Greek garbage dumps, and generally have a great time!

The tradition of "free day," or Friday, transmigrated to the poor, hapless, sweatshop workers of the late 19th century. They still had to work their butts off on Friday, but were allowed to have one smoke break, an old carrot, and a sip of water from a rain barrel. Really not a vast improvement over the Greek slaves, if you ask me. But who's askin' me, right?

There has been a VAST improvement nowadays, when it comes to Fridays! It really doesn't matter to me because I'm like a car who drove on 100 miles of Illinois roads...RETIRED! (Get it! The tires are so damaged, the car needs to be...nevermind.)

Fridays are REALLY "free days" for a whole lot of folks! They bring in doughnuts, smoke wacky tobacky on breaks, do as little as possiroo, lawmakers create lots of holidays on Fridays, so loooong weekends are enjoyed, a lot of horseplay ensues, bosses take the day off, which makes the "mice play" even more (when the cats away the...nevermind), everyone is on their electralogical devices, "testing" all their friends with their thumbs, and it's all gone to hades in a handbasket!!

By now, you faithful readers realize I've made ALL of this up in what's left of my brain, right?

Good! I would not want to think my devoted readers are as gullible as me! Even on a free day I mean Friday!!

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