Monday, July 15, 2019

Remembering How It Used To Be..Or Not!

Remember when EVERYBODY said hello, as you walked down the lane,

automobiles NEVER broke down,

 children behaved perfectly,

 cats got along with dogs ( AND MICE),

 a dollar could buy a luxury yacht,

 politicians told the truth,

 nobody used foul language,

 the world was totally free of conflicts,

 bananas didn't turn black,

 religions co-existed in peace,

 100% of folks took baths regularly and used deodorant,

  nobody went hungry,

 little kids could roam around the neighborhood until midnight and no harm would come to them,

 nobody had to work,

 and absolutely no one got sick or died?

Me either!


  1. Thank you, baby! I love you very much!!

  2. Politicians telling the truth? No way! haha

    1. Haha! "The biggest oxymoron of all is honest politician!"

      ― Mark Twain? Thanks, Kiel!
