Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I Was Wrong Yesterday! What's New?

Okay. It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I'm considered a short dude, according to today's standards, but it's still difficult to admit when I'm wrong. (I used to be average height in high school, but I shrunk)

Yesterday I said I'd only get 3 "hits" on my blog, due to the fact it was Labor Day, and all you guys would be busy doing all kinds of Labor Day activities, and not have tom to read my ridiculous blog! (Tom doesn't read that well, anyway)

Well, I was wrongo, my friends! In fact, I got a LOT of "hits" on my blog yesterday! Maybe even more than usual!! 

I know it says YouTube, but change it to blog in your mind.

Here are my theories on why this phenomenal reversal of my prediction occurred...

Theory 1 : Folks don't do as much stuff as I thought, on Labor Day.  I live in the past, and think it's still like when I was a kid. Where EVERYBODY  grilled outdoors, played baseball, went swimming for the last time of the summer, drove around in their 57 Chevys, with the top down, played Horseshoes and Bottle Caps...whoa...I think I may be losing some of you here. 

My dad and his friends would take bottle caps from beer bottles, and grab a broomstick, to play a baseball type game that was much more difficult than baseball, because tiny bottle caps are harder to hit! Now, if you don't know about Horseshoes, you're too young for this blog! Just joshin' wit ya! (If you don't know what joshin' means...never mind)

Theory 2 : Three of you saw my blog, as I predicted, and you messaged everybody to click on my blog, because I said only 3 people would read it on Labor Day, just to prove me wrong! (No, I'm not paranoid)

Theory 3 : My blog is a lot more popular than I ever dreamed, in my WILDEST dreams, and it don't matter if it's Labor Day, Christmas, Boxing Day (for you in the UK and countries connected to the UK, past or present), your wedding day, or ANYTHING, you're gonna read Bloggadocious 222!!! (Bloggadocious 222 is the name of my blog, for you in Goofy Ridge)

Ha ha ha ha ha!! I had to laugh, myself, at the last theory!!! 

I guess it's not always bad to be wrong about something. Like saying I'll NEVER win the million dollar lottery and you do! Or, I have no chance in H-E- double hockey sticks, to win an Olympic gold medal, and there you are, standing on the platform, while they put the gold medal for hockey around your neck!! 

So, I can say I'm happy about being wrong, yesterday, for the first tom in my lice!! 

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