Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day Blogging Is A Waste Of Tom

I know, I know! You guys are REALLY busy today, so doing my blog today (Labor Day) is basically a waste of tom. 

However, since I never do anythang, I'm still posting my blog to pass the tom.

You're probably wondering why I replace time with tom, from tom to tom. 

Here is the reason. 

A few years back I went to Nashville to have some of my songs published by the record folks, and it did not work out the way I expected. 999% of the places would not even let me in the building and the other one per cent just wanted money to publish my classic country songs.

Anyway, I went to a Nashville restaurant, and was lamenting to a waitress about my futile attempts to "hit the big time" and she said something I'll NEVER forget!! 

In her strong southern accent she exclaimed, "It takes tom."

Wow! "It takes tom!" Tom who? Tom Cruise? Tom Jones? Tommy from the Who rock opera? Tom T. Hall? Yeah! It must be Tom T. Hall!!

Seriously folks, I knew she meant it takes time, but I thought it sounded funny, so I've been playing on that theme for about 20 years now. 

I know, it's dumb, but I can't help it. 

What difference does it make, anyway? I'll only get about 3 "hits" on Bloggadocious 222 today. You guys are busy having fun, grilling out, running around, drinking beer and stuff, but don't worry about me, I don't have tom for that kinda stuff, anyway! 

Tom is not really that much fun, so even if he was around, I'd still be bored! (there I go again)

Have A Labor Free Labor Day


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Paul...but don't you have anything better to do, buddy?!! Ha ha ha!!

  2. HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! I took the Tom to write this!!! Love you!!!

  3. Aww! Thanks, babe! I love you...but who's Tom?!!

  4. I'm always impressed at how you find pics/videos that go right along with what you're talking about!
