Friday, September 13, 2019

This Friday It's All About You!

As the wafting wind begins to, ever so slowly, cool down to a comfortable level, as we approach the autumn season, and our thoughts turn to falling leaves, a cozy fireplace...

Wait a's too soon for that! It was really HOT yesterday, and it's only September! ANYTHING can happen in September, weatherwise! 

Start again. As the sweet summer starts to slowly surrender it's  sweltering, sizzling, sauna-like, sunshine, we wonder if a cooler climate could clearly come. 

Yeah! I think that's better! More consistent with the available season. 

So, what's goin' on with you? Most of the tom I talk about myself, my thoughts and opinions that I opine about, but when do we hear from you? Almost NEVER! 

What did you do this summer? I know some of you traveled to exotic destinations, that I'll never get to, so tell us about your summer vacation, like you did in the third grade. Make it up, if you didn't go anywhere. That may be more interesting, anyway!

Tell us about your pet/pets. It's a fallacy that folks don't enjoy hearing about our pets. Why do you think there are so many cat videos on the internet? Bloggadocious 222 is "pet friendly,"and we LOVE hearing about Fido's frisbee fetching, and Henrietta's hairball happenings!

We sincerely ask that you refrain from telling us about your constipation, your "heartbreak of psoriasis," the tragedy of your toenail fungus, flatulence fatigue, and ANYTHING that may not sound gross to you, but probably sounds disgusting to everyone else! 

I hope you're taking notes, but in case you are not, let's review...

1. Tell us about your summer vacation.

2. Tell us about your pet/pets.

3. Don't share TMI about gross stuff. 

 I'm counting on you, gang! Don't let me down. A wise man once said, "participation needs no preparation!"

Well, it wasn't really a wise man, because I just made that up in my punkin' head!! 

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