Ameritis Gabbinious Trivilosis
Rosie is ailing from a rare disease, by the name of Ameritis Gabbinious Trivilosis, which causes the victim to spontaneously spout trivial information from American history, even though it hasn't occured yet.
"How can she do that," you ask?
It's because time is cyclical...NOT linear.
(namely, the 

I don't get it, either.
As we peer into the belly of the Silver Sausage spazeship, that is taking our diminutive Glirkazoid friends to Neprotonicus 12, so they can deliver the power source (namely, the Great Jewel Of Neprotonicus 11) to the powerless Neprotonicans, we see that Rosie is still under the weather...
Rosie - "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale..♪♪
Gary - "Rosie! Stop! As long as you keep rambling on with this stupid American trivia, we are doomed to fail in our mission to take the Great Jewel Of..."
Rosie - "See the U.S. A. in your Chevrolet, America is asking you to call...♪♪
Right when all seems lost, there is a knock on the hatch of the Silver Sausage spazeship!
Gary opens the hatch and it's U.P.O. S. (United Parcels Of Space
Gary - "Rosie! Look! It's a potion from Moonszawitz , that will cure your Ameritis Gabbinious Trivilosis! How did she know? Dumb question, right? She ALWAYS knows!!"
Gary pours the potent potion into Rosie's mouth and she IMMEDIATELY recites the Glirkazoid Pledge Of Allegiance, which confirms her debilitating illness is bye bye!!
Glirkazoid Pledge Of Allegiance
(Just in case you're interested)
I pledge allegiance to the phlagg,
And the United Snakes of Glirka,
Unto the redundant, forget it strands,
With lizardry and bugsuits for Al.

Gary - "Well done, Rosie! That brought tears to my elongated eyes, girl! I'm glad you're back amongst the living!"
Rosie - "Me too, Gary! Thanks to the AMAZING Moonszawitz, I don't have to spend eternity in the virtual depths of America's nonsensical culture of their 20th/21st centuries!! Although it DID seem like a fun period of time!"
Gary - "I liked their Ford Mustangs! The red ones!"
Rosie - "Why don't you "erackisacle" one, after the mission is done?"
The Jetsons had a "food erackisacle" that created food instantly.
Gary - "Sounds like fun, honey bun!"
Rosie - "Honey bun!!! Aren't we getting a bit personal?!!"
Gary - "Whoops! Sorry! I was just making a silly rhyme, Vice Admiral, or whatever your official rank happens to be."
Rosie - "No matter. Let's trek on to Neprotonicus 12 and bring buckets of joy to the Neprotonicans, as they enjoy having light, heat, A.C., power tools, and all kinds of time saving devices from the power of the GREAT JEWEL OF NEPROTONICUS 12!!"
Gary - "Most importantly, they will be able to chill their universally famous, Neprotonican Nectar, whoo hoo!!"
Rosie - "When we get to Neprotonicus 12, you ain't touchin' that nasty, Neprotonican Nectar!! You know what happened the last time you partook of that stuff, right?"
Gary - "I really don't remember a thing. All I know is I woke up with a bad headache, lying on a Geezap funeral pyre, with 30,000 Geezaps dancing around me, ready to light me up!"
Rosie - "Yeah! I should have left you there, but noooo, I had to save your burnin' butt!"
As they are reminiscing, we observe the shimmering Silver Sausage spazeship approaching the magnificently gorgeous planet of Neprotonicus 12!
Is this it? Has the mission finally succeeded? Have our Glirkazoid gadabouts won again, in spite of the insurmountable odds? Are there more dangers awaiting our fearless "foo fighters?"
Discover these answers, and MORE, in next Wednesday's...