Monday, October 28, 2019

Singing At Church Sunday...GULP!!

This is not me...but a good facsimile!

I'm singing at church again this coming Sunday. It is an honor and terrifying situation, at the same time.

Although I've sang in front of people all my life, I still shake like a leaf, like when I first performed in front of an audience.

Especially now, due to the fact my eyes and ears don't work as well as when I was young, so I don't hear the music as clearly, and can't see the lyrics as well.

Not me...but reasonable facsimile.

I try not to have lyrics in front of me, but my memory is pretty much shot, as well. 

So, here I am, doing something that should bring honor to God Almighty, and I can't see, hear, remember, stop shaking, or hit those high notes like I used to! 

What I do, do, is pray that the song touches the hearts of the listeners, no matter how much I mess up. 

I must say, out of all the times I sang at school, in bands, on the radio...NOTHING is more humbling and exciting than to sing in service to Jesus...even though it still scares me to death! (Not LITERALLY to DEATH)

Not that I think God will strike me down if I blow the song, but I want to do what will make our Creator happy! 

In fact, I have blown a lot of songs, and God still has me sing in church, anyway! Thank YOU!

If you ever see me singing at church, and I look calm and confident, I'm NOT!

So pray for me, that I get through it without falling on my face. 

I will be singing "The Anchor Holds" on Sunday. A song that fits me well, and everybody who has had "storms" in their lives. 

I need to practice now. 


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