Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Do You Share Your Special Gift?

What can I say about a day like today? Not much! It's Tuesday. Blah day. No hip hip hoorah day. (hooray didn't rhyme)

However, my special gift is to make others joyful! Even on a rotten, cold, moist day, such as today.

Who said, "You've been writing this stupid blog for years and haven't made me joyful YET!"

Okay...how's about tickled? No?

Amused? Mildly happy? Confused? Afraid? ANYTHiNG?!!

No matter. When God has given you a gift, you need to share it, no matter how many folks reject your uncanny abilities! (Uncanny: When you cannot remove something from a can)

For example...Bob Dylan. (Dylan fans need not read this)

Bob Dylan (AKA Robert Zimmerman) had a terrible voice, was not the handsomest dude on the planet, a mediocre guitar player, but WAS an AMAZING song writer!! (Why am I saying WAS, I think he's still alive) (I Googled it. He IS still alive. 78)

Anyway...in spite of his shortcomings, he was compelled to share his gift of songwriting, and the rest is folk music history!

So let's focus back in on me, me, ME! I'll NEVER be on the same level of famousness as Bob Dylan, Tiny Tim, Neil Young, Rosemary Clooney, Burt Convy, Alfred E. Neuman, Sally Struthers, Harry Potter, or any of those folks, BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, I will share my questionable gift with all whom are willing to suffer through it! 

As for all of you faithful readers...think back to when you were babies. Well, maybe that's too far back. Think back to when you first realized what your special gift was. 

Maybe it was singing, or being kind to others, or bowling, or balancing things on your nose, like a seal, or sewing, or cooking, or fishing, or spitting long distances...whatever it was...are you sharing it with others today?!! 

Wouldn't the whole wide worm  world be more joyful if you exposed your special gift to everyone with whom you came in contact?! 

Sure it would! 

For instance...an outer spaze alien, disguised as a human, comes to Earth, wanting to find out if we are worth saving.

If we earthlings don't share our gifts, we will be in danger of being emulsificated with their emulsificator weapon!

On the other hand, if we share our gifts of singing, dancing, cooking, spitting (not sure about spitting), we can assure the inquisitive alien that we are worth our salt! (I don't know what salt has to do with anything, but that's what my grandpa used to say)

In conclusion...even if outer spaze aliens are not watching (yeah, right), we can entertain, and make joyful, our earthly brothers and sisters by sharing our special gifts, as lowly and insignificant as we think they are!

Go out and share now! Share! Share!



  1. Thanks for this dose of inspiration, Danny!

  2. This is absolutely BRILLIANT! Seriously. I was moved. Then I moved back, placed my feet up, and had the remote in my hand. Ok. I feel better! LOL.
    I kid, my incredible friend! I really am floored. I will explain why. First off, as I often do when reading your blog, I MARVEL at how much work you do to produce this blog! To find the right pics, gifs; to write the content; and to make such clever allusions is genius in itself! Second, I am staggered by the eloquence and sheer weight of your profound writing! The way you expressed the concept of everyone having a gift/talent given by God; and how they should use it for good - for the pure benefit of lifting up the human spirit clearly defines how you have the heart, soul, and passion for this! I know you get frustrated with not getting more attention to your brilliance. I know it is not an arrogance thing. God blessed you with such HUGE talent; and you want to spread it around to a bigger audience. I get it. I sooo get it! God knows what He is doing; and He is perfectly placing us pawns in His divine chess board!
    Danny, I can say whole heartedly that you have inspired me on a HUGE level. YOU are the beacon of light in a cold, dark world of fickle, and superficial souls. You have not only touched me - you have touched so many on YouTube alone! Indeed, we would like to have the means and opportunities to reach the masses; but perhaps this - the blog, the YouTube videos, connecting with one person at a time is God's plan for us?
    This brings me to my final reason. Just when I, myself, was wrestling with why God gave me gifts; but I can't get noticed. I was tossing and turning with whether I am doing what God wants. Then I come here, and read this extraordinary composition. WOW. Talk about God using the talents of others (you) to reach someone!!
    No matter how God uses us; no matter where our talents take us - I will NEVER stop respecting you; I will never thank you enough for what you have done for me; and I will always see you as a Burt Convy/Bacharach kind of guy with a definite dose of Alfred E. Newman!
    I LOVE YOU, Danny!

    1. Whenever I think you've encouraged me to the max, you step it up 100 fold, Michael!! You are gifted in acting, comedy, singing, making hilarious videos, but above all that...your love for your friends and I'm sure your family even more!! Yes! God "hits" us when we least expect it, with messages that proves his intimate love for us. I cannot thank you enough for the love you've shown me, and a multitude of others, over the years! Speaking for myself and all of your fans...WE LOVE YOU!!
