Monday, October 14, 2019

Happy Columbo or Columbus Day!

It's Columbo Day, and it makes me so happy!

No, wait! This isn't Columbo! It's The Pricess Bride!

Columbo was one of my all time favorite shows! 

Columbo killers!

Columbo (AKA Peter Falk) would pretend he was slow witted and backwards, then outsmart the haughty, egotistical, bad guys! It was so cool!!

What? It's NOT Columbo Day?! Then what is it? 

Columbus Day? I thought no one celebrated Columbus Day anymore, because he single handedly, erased the entire Native American population off the face of the earth!

This Abolish Columbus Day image is not necessarily the opinion of the staff here at Bloggadocious 222, because we are too weak to take a stand on ANYTHING.

"In fact, he never even set foot on North America, so his whole story is a big fat lie..." they say. 

I wish this was Columbo Day, because I dislike defending this great American Italian hero, all the time!! 

Heeeere is the TRUE story in a nutshell...

Putting all negative naysayers aside, think of the AMAZING things Chris did, for real!!

He talked Queen Isabella into fronting his wacky trip to a place no one really believed existed. Try getting Melania to front you money for ANYTHING! She's probably nice, but, well, just try it, and get back with me. 

Christopher was willing to brave the unknown parts of the ocean, in spite of all the stories about sea monsters, ships falling off the edge of the earth into oblivion, evil mermaids that lure you into sharp rocks, and Poseidon getting powerfully perturbed!

Once I saw exact replicas of the NiƱa, Pinta and Santa Maria, and they were so tiny!! They looked like overgrown rowboats! How did C.C. cross the mighty Atlantic Ocean, or was it Pacific (well, I don't need to be too pacific with the details), in those itty bitty, wooden ships?!!

Okay! He may not have treated the indigenous peoples he found, humanely, but WHO DID in those times? Everyone thought they were better than everyone else back then, unlike today, where we...uh, I mean...never mind. 

I think I've said enough about Columbus Day, so let's enjoy a brief clip of a classic Columbo ...

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