Friday, October 11, 2019

What Is "sad news" on Facebook?

I heard a new term on the glorious Greg and Dan Radio Show, this morning. Link to Greg and Dan Show...

The term was "sad news!" 

I know...sad news has been around since Hector was a pup, but this is a NEW take on sad news. 

It's when folks put stuff on Facebook to get sympathy, ALL THE TIME!

Here is the one example that kills me the most. 

They post, "Worst day of my life!" 

Forcing us to ask a thousand questions about their mysterious "worst day!"

Wha happen? Was someone in an accident? Are you sick? Did you lose your puppy? Did you have the winning 50 million dollar lottery ticket, and can't remember where you hid it?

You see, they write it that way to hook you in to giving them sympathy, even before you know what their "worst day" was.

Maybe their "worst day" was a paper cut, a hang nail, a bad hair day, but who would care about any of those things. However, if they don't specify what their "worst day" was, right off the bat, they will get tons of inquisitive, sympathetic comments from friends who are thinking WORST DAY, not "worst day."

What we're thinking.

What they're thinking.

Of course, we are genuinely concerned about our dear friend's genuine woes, but there are Facebookers who post "sad news" every single day! Sometimes, multiple times a day!!

More examples...with appropriate, snarky comments...

1. "I'm tired." Ain't we all? 

2. "My job sucks!" Join the party!

3. "What am I gonna do?"  We don't know! Tell us the problem, and maybe we can help! Or not.

4. "Life changing decision!" What? What's the decision? Why are you making us ask?!! 

Anyway, you know what I mean. Folks who never seem to have a good day, and want you to join in their bad day, every day!! 

Personally, I fake it! I do my best to avoid talking about my health situations, aches, pains, mental illnesses, arthur-i-tus, eye problems, foot problems, and a million other things, 'cause I don't want your symphonies!! 

As far as you know, I'm as healthy and spry as when I played Amercan football at Pattonville High Scrool in the 60's!

"Sad news" ain't cool, brothers and sisters!

Avoid it like the plague!!!


  1. sounds like Joe Btfsplk ! "who" you say ???? he hehehe

  2. Ha ha! I looked it up! Thanks, Paul!! By the way, I sang in the Lil Abner musical at Pattonville!
