Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Blog Marches On Mightily 

I think you'll all be happy to know that my blog viewership is staying at a strong steady level in recent weeks!

I cannot put my finger on the reason why, but I'm thrilled that it's happening!

It could be that the Greg and Dan radio show have been mentioning my name a LOT, lately!  I can't help that they love me to bits. 

Maybe y'all feel pity for me, due to the fact I whine and complain when my viewership is down. 

In conjunction with that feeling, the knowledge that I'm very old may prompt you to read my blog before I'm pushin' up daisies. 

No matter, because I'll keep on truckin' with this blog until I can't truck no mo! 

It's a weird form of therapy for me, and cheaper than a shrink. It's a catharsis for me. 

  1. 1.
    the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
    "music is a means of catharsis for them"

All along you were thinking I was writing this blog for you precious readers, but alas, it's for selfish reasons, that serendipitously brings joyous joyfulness to all you wonderful folks!  Ain't life a kick?!

As most of you know, I'm basically a shy guy, without much to say, but my mind is filled with LOTS of stuff that I keep inside, due to the fact that I'm a shy guy

So my blog gives me the opportunity the release the unnecessary nonsense, trivial trivia, forgotten phrases, silly songs,  jesting  jabberwocky, and krazy krapolla inside my punkin' hade! 

What a relief!! 

Of course, my relief may be a pressure to you dudes and dudettes, when you feel that compelling urge to click on my blog, due to the above reasons I listed, uh...above! 

Anyway, I'm totally appreciating you sticking with me everyday, supporting Bloggadocious 222, making comments, and giving, well, a litle piece of your heart to me!