Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day Visions

On Veterans Day my limited mind tries to envision the struggles, sacrifices, and world changing accomplishments of veterans living today.

There are still a few from the "greatest generation" who fought in World War II, who literally changed the course of history! 

Thank you for making it possible for us to worship in the way we choose, live in a free country, speak English, instead of German or Japanese, remain in our American culture, have Veterans Day parades, say the Pledge Of Allegiance, sing the National Anthem, and eat hot  dogs and apple pie, whenever we want!

This map makes me shudder!

Tremendous gratitude is due to the veterans of the "forgotten" Korean War, and the Vietnam vets, who suffered the same pain and injuries as the WW2 veterans, but without the fanfare that their predecessors received. 

We need to make up for this despicable treatment! 

We also need to thank those veterans who have protected us from terrorism by defeating the terrorists in their own territory, like Iraq and Afghanistan, before they could come over here and commit another 9/11 atrocity!

Most of us can only imagine what it was like for these men and women who sacrificed so much to protect all of the rest of us, not just here in America, but throughout the world! 

You veterans need to accept all of the accolades, free meals, handshakes, and respect on this Veterans Day! 

You've earned it!!

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