Monday, November 25, 2019

The Sands Of Tom Keep Shifting Up And Down Like A Rolly Coaster

Happy Days Are Here Again, the skies above are clear again, let us sing a song of cheer again, Happy Days Are Here Again!! 

When the above song came out in circa 1929, twas right before the Great Depression, and little did they know the economic hardships that would follow until the WW II years were over. 

Why am I sharing this depressing news on a miserable Monday morning, making it more miserable than les miserables?

                                                Talk about miserable.

It's to illustrate how times are always a-changin'!

                                     Performed by Robert Zimmerman

Life is a giant rolly coaster, one day you're down, the next day you're up, one year you're doin' fine, the next year you're in the gutter, for two decades you're hungry, homeless and wretched, the next two decades you're living in the lap of luxury, on your yot yaat yaht... I never could spell yacht!

So..two things! If you are on top of the world at this moment in tom...feeling WILL all go downhill in the twinkling of an eye.

On the other hand, if you are at your rock bottom low money... no friends...♪♪ nobody knows the trouble you've seen...♪♪...eventually you'll be ridin' high with the 1%, and won't know what hit ya!!! 

That's just the way it tis! 

Does anyone get my point? Raise your hand if you do. Let's, you were just stretching? Okay...ONE...sorry...yes, I see the crack on the ceiling. Anyone? ANYONE!! 

Where'd everybody go? 

ANYWAY, my point is not to lose hope when your situation seems hopeless, AND don't become cocky and arrogant when you're doing well!

Your whole wide worm can change at any tom, when you least expect it!

However, it may take a decade or two for your situation to change, but it WILL definitely change, according to my exhaustive calculations and ciphering! So keep the faith, man/girl!! 

Look at me. I should have hit the  'big tom",                      3 decades ago, and have I given up? Ha! NO WAY!!! 
I'm too dense!! And proud OF it!!! 

Disclaimeer: Any use of the words tom and worm are most generally for comedic purposes, or to irritate the nitpicky grammar police. We are not responsible for dense folks who may take my misuse of worms seriously.