Tuesday, November 26, 2019

We Just Can't Let Things Be, Can We?

How often I've made the mistake of messing with stuff that didn't need messed with, thereby creating a mess that did not need to be created in the first place!

This is not me as a two year old baby.

Example: The screw is in the screw hole just fine, but I think it needs one more turn to REALLY secure it firmly, right? What happens? I strip out the hole, and cause myself BIGGER problems! 

Example 2: I'm blowing up a really cool, expensive,  balloon for the grandkids, that came directly from Disney World. It looks super cool, but just one more blow will make it perfect, right? Well, you know what happens.

Whom ever has had a similar situation, please stand up. Okay, you may all be seated now, if you wish.

It's that thing about "going from the frying pan into the fire," or "the grass being greener on the other side," or "don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got "till it's gone..."

Remember the teacher who you thought was so horrible, until you had old Miss (insert name here) the next year! 

Keep this in mind, when we are so eager to remove friends, family members, situations, bosses, jobs, cars, pets, Presidents, houses and horses from our lives, it's highly possible we will experience even worse stuff than before!! 

Conversely, changing situations, bosses, cars, Presidents (through valid elections), jobs, "friends" and houses can be of benefit, but leave us not do it in haste!! 

"Act in haste, repent at leisure."

How many times have we done something in haste, and later on down the road wished we had thought about it more carefully, because it didn't go too well?

Of course, who am I to suggest you do this or that? I can't even stop screwing a screw until I strip out the hole, or blowing up the baloon until...


  1. tooth picks and glue are your friend in screw holes

    1. Glue on toothpicks will make them stick to my gums!
