What Do YOU Wanna Talk About?
As I walked Chevy in the sprinkling, cold rain this morning, I was taken aback by the special moment. Chevy NEVER walks in the rain! Especially COLD rain! He must have really needed to "go" badly!!
It's moments like these when we receive an
Epiphany is an “Aha!” moment. As a literary device, epiphany (pronounced ih-pif–uh-nee) is the moment when a character is suddenly struck with a life-changing realization which changes the rest of the story. Often, an epiphany begins with a small, everyday occurrence or experience.
I came to realize that we can do things beyond our expectations if we want something bad enough.
What? You already knew that?
Well...uh...then...what do you wanna talk about?
The stock market is doing "gangbusters!"
plural noun: gangbusters
Of course, I ain't got no stocks, so I don't give a "pigs patoot!"
What else? Okay! Soon we will all need that "Real ID" card to fly anywhere, but since I never fly anywhere, it is a moot point for me.
. A moot point can be either an issue open for debate, or a matter of no practical value or importance because it's hypothetical. The latter is more common in modern American English.
According to a LOT of commercials, gold and silver should be bought NOW, because the value will climb through the roof when our economy crashes to smithereens!
- small pieces."a grenade blew him to smithereens"
Man! I'm really edjamacatin' you folks wit all these definitions!
1. Who has the money to buy gold at 1400 dollars per troy ounce, and who's Troy, anyways?!!
2. Who has the money to buy silver at 17 smackers per ounce? That's 272 greenbacks per pound!!
Silver weighed 1250 lbs, which would make him worth 340,000 pazoozas today, if my ciphering is correct.
gerund or present participle: ciphering
- 1.put (a message) into secret writing; encode.
- 2.ARCHAICdo arithmetic.
If any of you Bloggadocious 222 aficionados care to add an iota of newsworthy items to this particular posting, be our guest!
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