Thursday, January 16, 2020

Impeachment Trial 
An Exercise In Futility

Remember that boy or girl in elementary school who you had a crush on, even though there was no chance in H-E-double hockey sticks they would EVER even look at you sideways? Me too!

So you did everything you could to make an impression on this gorgeous individual, in hopes they would SOMEHOW fall in love with ordinary you.

If you were a boy (not saying you're still not a boy, er, I mean, a male) you volunteered to carry her books (backpacks didn't exist back then, except for soldiers and Europeans), help her with her homework (even though she was more intelligent), put your coat in a mud puddle so she could walk daintily across, in imitation of Sir Walter Cronkite. (I didn't mean the lovely girl imitated Walter...never mind)

You girls would act cute, giggle at the object of your attention's jokes, do his homework for him, write his name on on one of those folded paper fortune telling things, and other various and flirty little things.

All that stuff you did, boys and girls, were exercises in futility. 

The most beautiful girl in school was not going to go steady with a plain, lowlife knucklehead like me, I mean, like some unnamed little boy, because of me that little boy doing a few deeds for her. No way! No how!!

Same way with the Adonis of a boy, who is not gonna give those poor little girls the time of day for their efforts.

I said all that to illustrate my point.

Yes! I DO have a point this time!

All of the efforts to yell, scream, provide secret evidence, bring in witnesses, obtain spy footage, smear reputations, recruit the media...are all futile!

The outcome is a foregone conclusion.

Okay, this is Clinton, but you get the idea.

What a waste of billions of pazoozas, time and energy for such an exercise  
in futility, when Trump can just be voted out in a few months! 

Right? Right?!!