Friday, February 7, 2020

The Answer Was ME!!

Yesterday I asked this question on my blog: "Who's gonna break the hate?"

I seriously thought I would receive the answer I was looking for, but no one commented at all! 

The answer was ME. "Who's gonna break the hate?" Me! I'm gonna break the hate! 

It's really not a big surprise that nobody commented, because very few of my ultra shy readers ever put in their two cents, except for a handful of super sweet friends!

Good representation of me and my sweet friends. Guess which one is me. 

However, I thought that with a profoundly important question like that, a bunch of folks would throw caution to the wind and take that leap of faith and type in ME!

Love this scene!!!

No,'s too late now! I already gave you the answer! 

Breaking the hate starts with YOU, and ME! Our nasty, hateful rhetoric on Facebook and elsewhere, is the seed of a giant tree of anger, mistrust, and even violence, down the road!

Hey! I think I used a metaphor! 

Let's not follow the example of politicians, biased "news" commentators, violent protesters, radical religious leaders, your cousin Wilbur (who gets angry about everything), the girls on "The View," the intolerant boys in the carpool...and follow the One who said..."

I know what you may be thinking. "Well, Danny boy, I've seen some of the things you've written about Obama, or Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy), poor Bob Dylan, or Dave Ramsey (the save every penny guy), and they were NOT very loving at all!!"

Well, um, I mean..that was, kinda, all tongue in cheek, folks. 

The tongue-in-cheek figure of speech is used to imply that a statement or other production is humorously or otherwise not seriously intended, and it should not be taken at face value.

I never actually hated Obama, or Mike Lindell, Bob Dylan or Dave Ramsey. They are just easy targets for sarcastic jokesters like me. Is that being hateful? Uh, I don't think so. Or is it?

Anyway, we need to take the focus off ME and put it back on those of YOU who spew hate, vitriol, unkindness, mean spritedness, and anger across the internet universe...and across your kitchen table!! tom I ask you, "who's gonna break the hate," what do you say?!

"YOU?" NO! Not me! You! I mean, uh, ALL OF US! Yeah! That's the ticket! All of us gonna break the hate! Won't that be nice, folks?  No yelling and screaming. Peace abounding all over the place. It will be just like old Satchmo used to sing...


  1. the question is "who" spews hate ? and why ? what will it benefit(profit) a man ....... ?
    what should we "hate" then ?

  2. so I did a search on the subject and much interesting reading from it so adding to the 1st question here is the 2nd "when" do we or should we hate ?

  3. Come on Paul! Don't take my blog so serially! Good grief!
