Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Accentuate The Positive

Positively listen to this video as you read my positive blog story! 

Blogging is my way of self therapy. I'm able to free myself of burdensome, negative thoughts and give them to you guys n gals. In addition, I don't have to pay money for a "shrink!" How cool is dat?!

On the other hand, I try to be as positive as possible, in spite of the miserable condition the world has sunken down to in this 21st century. 

What a profound, sensitive image! Who says I'm shallow? Who else?!

On this Mar. 3, 2020, I'm gonna list POSITIVE things we can point to when our friends try and load negative crap on us. 

1. We can do 99.9 % of things from our recliner! We really don't need to leave our dwellings if we don't wanna. Our whole life can be managed from our "smart" phones! Robots, drones and UPS dudes release us from the traumatic experience of leaving our abode. Atrophy is okay, folks!

Muscle atrophy. Muscle atrophy is when muscles waste away. It's usually caused by a lack of physical activity. When a disease or injury makes it difficult or impossible for you to move an arm or leg, the lack of mobility can result in muscle wasting.

2. We have our "babies" to enjoy! It doesn't matter if our "babies" are dogs...cats...emus...or pythons...our "babies" love us unconditionally and NEVER correct us when we make mistakes, like our children and grandchildren will often do. 

Disclaimer: The creator of this blog is not insinuating that we don't LOVE our REAL babies, but simply stating the fact that our fur babies (or scaly babies) never sass us, or point out our shortcomings, unless they do, and we don't understand animal language.

Okay! Now shut off the other video and watch this! It's totally AWESOME!!! 

3. We have a million TV program choices that we could only DREAM of back in 1955! I'm not gonna go reliving the bad old days, when we only had 3 channels, but it was a bit frustrating to choose between plate spinning on one channel, Liberace on another channel, and Kukla Fran and Ollie on another. 

Another thing is how TV shows EVERYTHING now, and allows EVERY curse word ever invented, where in 1955 a skirt above the knee was not allowed, and even "darn it" was frowned upon!  (Maybe that's not really a positive, so disregard the last sentence)

Maybe YOU can supply us with more positives, on this 3/3/2020? Oh, I hope so! That would be a positive in itself! 

I need to be more positive! I'm POSITIVE that, at least, one of my beloved readers will leave a positive remark!