Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday
Episode IV
Checklists Suck Solar Wind!

Having completed the all important, pre-flight checklist, our intrepid Glirkazoid gadabouts recline in their comfy flight chairs, located on the flight deck of the Silver Sausage spazeship. 

Rosie - "Ready to go over the check list, Admiral?"

Gary - "What do you mean, Admiral Rosie? We ALREADY went over the checklist!!"

Rosie - "No, no. That was the supply checklist. Now we need to go over the Silver Sausage spazeship checklist!"

Gary - "Oh, brother. Very well. Proceed with the SSSC."

Rosie - "Don't mind if I do! Okay! Steering device?"

Gary - (moves the steering device back and forth) "Steering."

Rosie - "You're supposed to say CHECK, Gary! Follow ancient protocol, wouldya? Continuing on...front beams?"

Gary - "Beamin'!" 

Rosie - "Why are you being so insubordinate, buddy?"

  1. defiant of authority; disobedient to orders.
    "an insubordinate attitude"
    badly behaved

Gary - "How can I be insubordinate when we're both 

Rosie - "On page 2020 of the Spaze Travel Rule Book,
section 5, subsection a-2, it states, when Glirkazoids 
of the same rank give orders to each other, they MUST 
obey the orders of each other as if they were being 
ordered by a superiorly ranked Glirkazoid."

Gary - "I'm not taking your worm for it, Rosie! 
Show me from the book!"

Rosie - "I'm offended, Gary! You don't trust me?!"

Gary - "Show me the book!"

Rosie - "Well, er, um, I forgot to include the Spaze 
Travel Rule Book  on the check list, and it's still at my 
place of dwelling."

Rosie's humble abode

Gary - "Do tell. What I think is, you are making all 

Suddenly, a message comes in from the
 Glirkazoid High Command!!

"You guys can dispense with your convoluted 
checklist, and get your Glirkazoid glutes 
into spaze, before Krug the Kruddy takes over the whole 
cockadodie universe!!

Krug the Kruddy


  1. 1.
    (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.
    "its convoluted narrative encompasses all manner of digressions"

Gary - "Whoa!! Does the High Command 
ALWAYS listen to us?"

Rosie - "You didn't know that? As highly
ranked, top secret agents of the 
Glirkazoidian "spaze force," we are constantly 
monitored 124/70!" (akin to 24/7 on Earth)

Gary - "I wish you would have told me, Rosie!
There are things you and I have done, that I would 
have preferred remained secret!"

Rosie - "Like WHAT?"

Gary - "Like when we ate a whole gallon of 
Isotopian Ice Cream, did a marathon 
watching of Game Of Glirkazitts, made a wild 
Merkronium muskrat our mascot, until he/she
ate our guidance system..."

Merkronium muskrat...ain't he/she cute?!

High Command - "SHUT UP, Gary!! If you don't
have the Silver Saugage at W.A.R.P speed 
(W.A.R.P. means we are really phast) in 
5 seconds, we'll emulsificate your butts!"

Oh my! Will Gary and Rosie be emulsificated 
next Wednesday? Say it ain't so! 

Find out for ya ownselves, next week, by 
tuning in to OUT OF THIS WORLD 


  1. please turn off all electronic devices and place your tables in the upright position
