Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hollywood Bound...Maybe!

I don't know if I should be sharing this with y'all, but I will be auditioning for a movie role at the end of April!

I sent in a video of me doing a scene from "On The Waterfront" and they messaged me to come in for an audition!

By now you're thinking this is not a REAL movie audition. It's a scam, Danny! 

No. This is real! The producers of the upcoming movie were featured on the Greg and Dan radio show. 

Greg swears he had nothing to do with me getting the audition, and I believe him. He wouldn't lie about something this immense!

The film will be distributed by NBC Universal, which is a company I've heard of in my history of movie watching.

It's a very small part (they already sent me the lines), but ya gotta start somewhere, right?

They also sent me a "size sheet," which is exactly what it sounds like. I had to fill in all my sizes for my movie costume, if I pass the audition. 

I'm not going to mention the name of the movie, or any other details, because I don't want to step on their marketing plans and get sued or something.

Anyway, pray that I do good on my audition, but wait until the end of April, so the prayers are totally fresh! However, if you pray AFTER April 25th, you'll be too late!

I won't forget all of you "little people" when I appear on the "big screen!"  I'll be like Bill Murray, or Keanu Reeves.  Down to earth and lovable, when I have time for slumming. 

Okay! Who's got my back?


  1. Honey, I will always have your back!!! Love you!!!

  2. Now I am confused since you said, "just kidding at the end."
    Are you really auditioning???

    1. Really auditioning!!! I removed the just kidding part!

  3. That's really awesome, Danny. Hopefully they recognize your talent and give you the role.

    1. Thanks, Kiel! If not, I'll just cry AGE DISCRIMINATION!!
