Friday, March 20, 2020

 "The War Of The Worlds," In Reverse!

Try to follow me on this, 'cause this is some deep stuff!

Remember "The War Of The Worlds?" Not the radio show that freaked everybody out, but the 1953 movie with Gene Barry.

To make a long movie short, the high tech aliens were brought down by a virus! No earth weapons could kill the alien monsters, but a simple virus wiped them out.

  • (Gene Barry) "You might get a clue from that anemic blood."
  • (Duprey) "Are you suggesting a biological approach?"
  • (Gene Barry) "We know now that we can't beat their machines. We've got to beat them."

The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs, which no longer affect us, began to kill them. The end came swiftly. All over the world, their machines began to stop and fall. After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and humanity was saved by the littlest things which God and His wisdom had put upon this Earth.
Okay, now stay with me. NOTHING could bring down the American economy! So, the American economy represents the mighty aliens!

Some unidentified folks wanted to bring down the American lifestyle, so they create a virus that TOTALLY cripples the American economy in a matter of days!

Get it! "The War Of The Worlds," in reverse!! 

Or not.