Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Inspirational Iconic Song For You!

Bloggadocious 222 is hankering to inspire you guys and gals today!

So...without further ado...I present my unique performance of "Impossible Dream" that I performed back in 2016, before the global pandemic...

I know, there should be more pictures of COVID-19 activities, but I'm not clairvoyant. If I had known about the coronavirus back in 2016, I would have included photos of social distancing, folks wearing masks, and such. 

On the other hand, I feel like this song is still pretty inspiring, in spite of the lack of pandemic pictures. 

What do you think? Did you listen to the song? If not, go back and listen now, unless you lived back in the 60's, when this song was sung on every TV show that had singing! 

I think this is a Pagliacci song, but I can picture this dude singing "Impossible Dream." 

Yes! Even though I LOVE this song, I got really sick of it back then. Too much "Impossible Dream" for my liking. But after all these years it sounds great and inspiring again. Even with me singing it!

This is not me, but he has the same style as me.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my humble attempt at inspiration, in this uncertain nation...we all need a vacation!

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