Monday, April 27, 2020

Is Social Distancing A Thing Of The Past?

Here in Central Illinois the weather has been real nice the last couple of days and folks have forgotten about social distancing in my neighborhood.

Yes! I've seen groups of kids in large numbers (up to 10 kidlets) playing tag and roughhousing, while two or three parents stand together (two feet apart) gabbing!

What do they know that I don't know? I thought the social distancing thing was still a GO!

I even have folks trying to walk over and try to pet Chevy like they did in the olde days!! Then they're surprised when we move over to the other side of the street! 

What gives? Who declared the virus over with? The weather Gods? 

Does everyone think the sunshine has disinfected the virus, and all is A Okay now?

As for me and my household, we're still keeping our distance, although my neighborhood has gone a bit cra-cra, if you ask me! 

Of course, no one asks me anything, because THEY think I'M  cra-cra! 

Disclaimer - Let's not forget that I live in Pekin, Illinois, which has a reputation for not accepting the average norms of society, except for Norm from Cheers. So any abnormal behavior of the residents of Pekin should be taken with a grain of salt in a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. 

Disclaimer - Pabst no longer resides in the Peoria region, but Pekinites still like it! Go figure!