Monday, April 6, 2020

Social Distancing 
Ain't Just A Walk In The Park!

In normal times, I walk Chevy to the park, and around the park, about 5 times a day.

Just like this little girl is doing.

It's super EASY! Hook him up, walk 3 blocks to the park...walk him AROUND the park...while allowing kids and other folks to pet Chevy, and walk 3 blocks back home. Easy peasy!! 

It ain't so easy now!

Trying to keep our "social distancing" in operation as we make our way through the "social distancing deniers" is a real struggle!! 

I'll list some of the obstacles we are facing every day in the midst of the coronavirus shut down....

1. Dumb neighbors gathered in groups on the sidewalk where Chevy and I need to walk!! Come on! I know it must anger my social distance denier neighbors, but Chevy and me go over to the other side of the street, while singing ♪social distancing♪♪

2. Asymptomatic (showing no signs of disease) kids running up to pet Chevy, in spite of the fact a tiger was just diagnosed of having COVID-19,  just recently! Don't get my dog sick!!! 

 I've had to treat the kids like W.C. Fields! "Go away kid, you bother me!"

It is kinda disconcerting when other dog walkers, who are walking right toward us, do not cross over to the other side to avoid social contact with me and Chevy! It's OUR sidewalk! Why should we be the ones who cross over? However, WE are the ones who cross over 99% of the time! 

Don't they know they could contaminate us?!! Oh, well. I guess we have to be the cautious ones. 

I'm starting to actually enjoy our walks, in a different way. Kind of like embarking on a dangerous mission, as Jason Bourne or Lara Croft would, uh, embark on!

Anyway! Stay distant!

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