Thursday, April 2, 2020

That Post Apocalyptic Feeling

How many of you feel like you're living in a post apocalyptic movie, like I do?

Apart from the zombies, the total shutdown of electricity, no clean water, fighting for the last crumbs of food, and absolute anarchy, it's exactly the same as one of those movies!

The streets are eerily empty of pedestrians and cars, it is eerily quiet, our neighbors are eerily shut in, and opening their blinds, just a crack, to eerily peer out at us as we walk our eerie little dogs. 

It's just EERIE!

Not that I don't completely understand the reasons for quarantining and social distancing, but I feel like I'm in a bad, post apocalyptic flick from circa 1996.

Just the fact that we are keeping our distance from friends and relatives reminds me of that one creepy movie when everybody was getting rabies, and the non-rabied folks had to avoid the rabied folks, not to get infected.

I think it was this movie from 1970...about the time I saw it.

I recommend you NOT watch the trailer, above! Really GROSS!

So, if YOU feel like you're in a post apocalyptic movie, don't share it with anyone! They may think you're crazy and not taking the COVID-19 epidemic seriously. 

Everyone already KNOWS I'm nuts, so my credibility is shot from the get go!!

Stay safe, distant, cover your coughs and sneezers, and don't lose your ability to laugh!