Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday
Is Earth Worthy Of Saving? (Continued)

Our Glirkazoid friends are still debating on whether to save the earth and it's billions of inhabitants, or let it go the way of Zoranthelup, a planet that REALLY sucked and was deserving of annihilation.

As Rosie enumerates the pros of planet earth, Gary lists the cons. 

Rosie - "A pro would be Louie Armstrong. He is so sweet! I love that song about a wonderful world!"

Gary - "A con would be, he's pushin' up daisies, and there is no one like him on earth, anymore!"

Rosie - What? He's dead already? He was so young!"

Gary - "Folks on earth don't live as long as Glirkazoids, girl! Whilst we live thousands of years, they kick the bucket at about a century or less, which is ANOTHER reason to let the coronavirus, riots, storms, hurricanes and politicians destroy the whole bunch of them! They will never, ever reach our greater level of intelligence in that short of time!"

Rosie - "Have you?"

Gary - "What?"

Rosie -  "Never mind. A positive thing about earth creatures is they are FUNNY!! The entertainment value is golden!"

Gary - "I have to agree with a you there, Rosie. I've been watching old episodes of Impractical Jokers and laughing my tussie off!!"

Rosie - "So, do you agree that earth is worth saving, buddy?"

Gary - "Not yet. Don't forget about the stupid Teletubbies that earth lifeforms created!!"

My, my! I was hoping for the saving of earth and it's peculiar population, but now, with this Teletubbie situation, who knows?

Why not join us for our next episode of...

and find out if we still exist...or not!

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