Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Joy Of Blogging... Unopposed!

The best thing I like about doing Bloggadocious 222 is that I can opine on ANY subject, in ANY way I want, and no one calls me out on it, except for my lifelong pal, Paul, and he is always kind.

Take the song at the beginning of this blog posting. So many things could be said about it! For instance...

Song was obtained from this movie.
Note: Aunt Jemima is in this movie!!

"That song is from 1934, it's old and it sucks!

"Why are you ALWAYS putting songs on your blog? We NEVER listen to them!"

"This song doesn't apply in 2020! It's much worse now than in 1934!"

"Are you putting songs on your blog because you can't think of anything intelligent to write, ya big dummy!!"

Yes! All of these nasty things could be placed in the handy dandy comments section, but 99.9% of you refrain from doing so, to spare my itty bitty fewwings! What a rewief! I mean, relief!

Shoot, I could say that Barry Manilow is the greatest musician, singer/songwriter in the history of man/womenkind and 99.9% of you would not oppose me on that, even though it's obviously a radically false statement!

Although, he was GREAT on Murphy Brown!

SO, the point of this is, um...THIS! 

It's sometimes a bit frustrating, but also cool, that 99.9% of you DON'T respond to whatever I put on my stupid blog, because, any loss of sleep I suffer over the commenting desert I've created, is balanced out by being able to say ANYTHANG I want, with no opposition!!

Does that make sense to YOU? 

Anyone? Anyone?!

Seriously folks! If you did not listen to the first song, you're missin' out!!